Article Published on: 16TH JAN 2023 | www.demodemagazine.com
From the beginning, agnès b. developed a style that was subtle, chic, and casual all at once, which helped to turn the Parisian into a fashion icon, a “style, a state of mind.” “clothes, for me, are all about feeling in harmony with yourself to be able to think about something else. they are only a means. if I can help people to feel good, to feel attractive, so much the better, that’s what brings me pleasure.”

In 1973, agnès b. registered her brand name. the idea behind the name dates back to the 60s when she was working for Elle magazine and one of her articles had to be signed. “I wasn‘t prepared. […] I said: ‘just put agnès b.,’ as they do in news items when they don’t use the full name. and then I devised the logo with my handwriting.”