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Writer's pictureDE MODE


Updated: Aug 25, 2023


Article Published on: 22ND AUG 2023 |


As a driven fourth-year medical student, Rudy Dell is all about numbers and school standing. Having previously scheduled a non-demanding clerkship to complete his studies; an unexpected turn of events finds him assigned to the Oncology unit of the University Pediatric Hospital. In unfamiliar territory and answering to a demanding attending physician, things are not as expected. In a desperate struggle to find time to study Rudy is now surrounded by patients and situations very different from what he has faced before. Still confident in his abilities, Rudy believes he will tackle this new challenge as he always does, head on. Unbeknownst to him, he will face a most unexpected test, as the children of the oncology unit show him he might not be quite prepared for the upcoming weeks, and maybe not quite prepared to become a doctor.



  • Winner 2022 PenCraft Book Awards 2022 BEST FICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR

  • Winner of the Literary Titan Book Award 2022

  • Winner at the FAPA 2022 President’s Book Awards

  • Winner at the American Fiction Awards

  • Finalist at the Maxy Awards

  • Distinguished Favorite at the Independent Press Award/NYC Big Book Award


A beautifully written story that will make you weep as you read about this doctor who "accidentally" ends up doing some of his clerkship time in a child's oncology ward. The things these children teach him and you will inspire you if you let them. Hard to put down and yet at some points are some must-pause moments. - Reviewed in the United States by Carrie M

Grab a box of tissues, your heart will weep with every emotion possible. It is buy can buy by rate this book a top 10. - Angel Yates


Rodolfo Del Toro, AKA Rodo, the author, never thought about being a writer! During his formative years, he dreamed of being a musician, or maybe working in film, maybe as a director. The latter in hindsight might have been part of a subconscious yearning to write. Choosing to become a doctor late in high school, he drove all of his passion and energy into this for the next two decades. Still, his yearning to create persisted, real life and the demands of both his private practice and his teaching engagements gave him little time to. Things change in 2014, and he started to write in order to give himself a healthy aside from the rigors of his daily responsibilities. He published his first book in 2018, a niche book, which was more a learning experience and experiment than anything else. Nevertheless, he believes Departure Point is a compelling and entertaining story.

Now with his newfound knowledge and clear understating of how much he still had yet to learn, Rodo dived into his next book. Chasing Rabbits, developed a life of its own as it seems to come about from very personal experiences. During the writing process, Rodo found himself recalling the time during his training and the many experiences that shaped him. Chasing Rabbits became a catalyst for him to not only find his footing, but the experience also made him recall why he had fallen in love with being a doctor. The response to Chasing Rabbits has been most surprising, as he had not expected that people would find the book inspirational. He is now trying to find time to finish his next book, Surviving Jane.

When away from the word processor, he spends his professional time between his private practice and a part-time medical school teaching appointment. He cherishes the time he gets to spend with his wife and daughters, as well as the dog he emphatically asked them not to get! Funny enough the dog is sleeping on his lap as he writes this. Every so often, he steals time to pursue his writing, and what his wife believes are very unhealthy obsessions with electric guitars and old Land Rover Defenders!




Q: How do you handle writer's block or creative burnout?

A. Having spent most of my life in a demanding academic environment, I learned early on that sometimes when feeling that I am burnout or blocked I just have to walk away from what I am doing. It’s the only way that I can reset my brain. In order to do that I play guitar, loudly to my wife’s dismay, and exercise.

Q: What is the most difficult part of your writing process?

A. That first draft! The ideas are there, but bringing them together in an orderly and cohesive fashion that makes sense, and makes me want to keep reading is not easy. That first time is daunting.

Q: How do you handle revisions and editing processes for your work?

A. Once the first draft is done, I walk away from it for at least two weeks; then I dive back in. I am my worse own critic, which I think is a good thing. With this book, I was not happy until the third draft. At that time I got an outside editor, getting an outsider’s perspective is paramount.

Q: What came first to you — the plot or the characters — and why?

A. In this book, the characters, one in particular: Maria. Although I had an idea for the plot many things changed, Maria never did. It was not a conscious decision, but for her character to have her journey, everything had to revolve around her.

Q: In your book, which part of the story is your favorite?

A. When Rudy reads the Christmas letters and sees that the children do not want toys or gifts.

Q: What was the most surprising thing you discovered in your book?

A. How easy it was to throw away things I had written! I recall reading that this was a necessary part of the creative process but feared I would not be able to let go.

Q: Can you share with us something about the book that isn’t in the blurb?

A. I am not Rudy!!!!

Q: Does one of the main characters hold a special place in your heart? If so, why?

A. Maria! I rather not say why.

Q: What was the inspiration for the story?

A. The time I spent during medical school & residency at different pediatric hospitals. Ironically the inspiration, or rather the event around which I planned the story revolves around, got thrown away from the finished book. I did turn it into a short story and published it as one of six.

Q: What is the significance of the title?

A. People often ask that it has many meanings, I think that it might relate to chasing the simple and really important things in life.

Q: Tell us about the process for coming up with the cover.

A. The cover came to me. It was made by my oldest daughter as a school project. In the first draft, Maria’s plush toy was a well-known mainstream cartoon character, when I saw my daughter’s work, I smiled and knew that my book had not only gotten its cover but it had improved.

Q: If your book was to be made into a movie, who are the celebrities that would star in it?

A. None. I would want complete unknowns to star in it, I would rather the story be the star. Then again if George Clooney wanted to play Dr. Betances, who am I to tell him he couldn’t?

Q: What do you hope your readers take away from this book?

A. The wisdom and courage children have. To enjoy life with compassion and love. To a lesser extent, doctors are human and very different from what they see on TV.

Q. If your book was to be made into a movie, who are the celebrities that would star in it?

A. None. I would want complete unknowns to star in it, I would rather the story be the star. Then again if George Clooney wanted to play Dr. Betances, who am I to tell him he couldn’t?

Q. If your book was to be made into a movie, who are the celebrities that would star in it?

A. None. I would want complete unknowns to star in it, I would rather the story be the star. Then again if George Clooney wanted to play Dr. Betances, who am I to tell what’s your favourite and least favourite part of publishing? Seeing my book online. Least favorite? Thankfully non yet!m he couldn’t.

Q: Do you find it more challenging to write the first book in a series or to write the subsequent novels?

A. Have not written a series, although I am considering a sequel to my first book. I'll complete it soon and will let DE MODE know then.

Q: Who is the author you most admire in your genre?

A. Far too many, in far too many genres. A small list, in no particular order, would have to include: Michael Crichton, Stephen King, Miguel de Cervantes, Miguel de Unamuno, Shakespeare, Dalton Trumbo, & Aldous Huxley.

Q: If you could ask one author that you admire three questions about their writing, writing process, or books, what would they be?

A. Just one, I would ask Stephen King how he writes so many books, so fast.

Q: Are you working on anything at the present?

A. I am, trying to finish a book that I have been trying to write for almost twenty years. It was the first thing I thought about writing, there’s quite a deal of procrastination involved, but also a measure of trepidation. I want to do justice to this story, I want it to measure up to “Chasing Rabbit”.

Q: How do you feel about your book being published in DE MODE?

A. Super excited.

AUTHOR RODOLFO DEL TORO BOOK 'CHASING RABBITS' is listed in "Page-Turners Unleashed: 11 Engrossing Books You Can't Put Down IN 2023" in the AUG 2023 issue of DE MODE.

CLICK HERE to read the magazine article.

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