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Updated: Aug 25, 2023


Article Published on: 23RD AUG 2023 |


In CLUBBED THREE: Darkness and Light, the final book in the CLUBBED trilogy, one major theme is how people adapt to changing situations. Joey and Henry, the owners of Club Sanctuary, experience changes to their relationship in a variety of ways. They move their focus from the very broad, diverse community at the club to a smaller, more intimate tribe. Should they maintain the rules that kept their relationship strong to this point, or make changes after Joey broke those very rules? Henry tightens his control to achieve his desires. Can Joey meet the new demands now being placed on him?

In a departure from Books One and Two, new voices are added to the narrative, bringing new perspectives as the LGBTQ community continues its fight for acceptance and equality, while the HIV/AIDS pandemic wreaks havoc with no end in sight.

Both the main characters and the community enter into the darkness. How many of them, if any, will emerge into the light?

The CLUBBED series has been described as "Queer As Folk meets POSE in the heart of Philly's Gayborhood." Each book can be read as a standalone, but the complete series tells the story of a community committed to the enjoyment of life even in the midst of overwhelming struggles. The mix of historical and fictional people and places provides authenticity within the art of storytelling. This is not a story of despair. It is a story of hope, courage, joy, and optimism, still relevant today.




This book made me ugly cry, but it also made me so happy. The CLUBBED series has been one of my favorite reads. It will be a re-read (and a re-read again and again and again). The conclusion was beautiful, despite it venturing a long way from the format of the original two books - which were told only from Joey's POV but ventured into the stories of a lot of people within the Philadelphia queer community.

CLUBBED 3 is a grippingly gruesome portrait using the main characters' perspectives to relate to those who were truly on the front lines of society's daunting demands on the LGBTQ+ community. This book is a dedication to the essence of an era that once lacked clarity. The very birth of this book displays bravery and camaraderie during one of history's most profound struggles of human rights versus human nature.


Robert A. Karl is a native son of Philadelphia, PA, a retired educator, a Queer author, and an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights. His first book, CLUBBED: A Story of Gay Love, was published in 2021. The second book in the series, CLUBBED TWO: Anxiety, Anger, Activism was published in 2022, followed by the concluding book in the trilogy, CLUBBED THREE: Darkness and Light in 2023.

The themes in Mr. Karl's works reflect the issues he cares about deeply: racism, institutional and internalized homophobia, ageism, discrimination, self-acceptance, and the importance of community and personal connections. Love, in its many different forms, is the basis for the stories told in the CLUBBED series.

Mr. Karl is a proudly independent author and publisher of LGBTQ+ fiction. During these times, when threats against the community have been heightened, he uses his voice to stand against these attacks. His support for LGBTQ+ causes is unwavering and he will continue to publish works in support of the community.

Active on social media, Mr. Karl uses his platform to promote both his books and the causes he cares about. His signature hashtag, "Where's My Book Wednesday?" encourages readers to post photos of his books throughout the world. Karl's books can be seen throughout the United States, in several European countries, and even as far away as Hong Kong, Japan, and the Philippines.

Mr. Karl literally wears his gay pride on his sleeve, with a Gay Pride tattoo on his left arm. In CLUBBED THREE, the main characters get that same tattoo as a sign of their commitment to each other, and that tattoo is also shown on the book cover. Mr. Karl is a life-long learner. While working at the School District of Philadelphia and Temple University, he understood the power of stories in both teaching and learning. He continues to learn, enjoying his time reading books and stories, particularly those written by Queer authors. He will continue to teach, writing more books that portray the LGBTQ+ community in a positive light.




Q: How do you handle writer's block or creative burnout?

A. I rarely experience writer's block, but I would probably just take some time to relax, re-set, and think about how the story should proceed. I'd probably think about ways that a character might act that would be unexpected for the reader. Surprises in stories are fun for me!

Q: What is the most difficult part of your writing process?

A. Without a doubt, editing is the most difficult part of the process. I try to write the first draft as accurately as possible, correcting spelling and grammar immediately. But mistakes are still made and have to be corrected. Spotting small errors takes time and patience.

Q: How do you handle revisions and editing processes for your work?

A. Editing is done by first reading to be sure there are no loose ends. I want to fix those issues first. Then I use software to check spelling and grammar, but that isn't foolproof, so I re-read everything, looking for errors. Reading out loud is beneficial. Then I check to be sure that the story is actually sending the message I want readers to hear. If not, I revise it to get the right message out.

Q: What came first to you — the plot or the characters — and why?

A. Characters come first. They drive the story. I take characters that I understand quite well and place them in situations where the outcomes can be unpredictable. Sometimes, I think I know where the story is headed, but the characters take different, unintended paths. For me, that's part of the joy of writing.

Q: In your book, which part of the story is your favourite?

A. In CLUBBED THREE, I love the way the two main characters work to resolve their relationship problems. There's also a shocking, violent scene that I wrote with as much care as possible. And the ending, since it's the end of a trilogy, is very satisfying for me. Oh, and did I mention the steamy sex scenes?

Q: What was the most surprising thing you discovered in your book?

A. Perhaps surprising to readers is the theme of criminal justice reform. When a character commits an act of violence against the LGBTQ+ community, we see the act through the eyes of the victim and the perpetrator. When the character is in prison, a short section describes some of the horrid conditions inmates face. This is an important personal issue for me.

Q: Can you share with us something about the book that isn’t in the blurb?

A. One of the characters is a gossip columnist for the local gay newspaper. As he looks through scrapbooks of his old articles, he tells stories about people and issues that are important in LGBTQ+ history. Through his eyes, readers can learn about Matthew Sheppard, Pedro Zamora, and many others.

Q. Does one of the main characters hold a special place in your heart? If so, why?

A. Henry is my favorite character. I wanted to write a strong, Black, gay male character, to counteract the stereotypes of how gay Black men are often portrayed. I've seen many stories where a white character "saves the day." In many ways, Henry is the savior for Joey, the main white character. He is always the strength of their relationship.

Q. What was the inspiration for the story?

A. The inspiration comes from the strength of the LGBTQ+ community, as we are faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, including homophobia and the AIDS pandemic. I was inspired by real people and events, combining fiction with history, to create a story that's meaningful and relevant. Many of my friends are no longer here to tell their stories. I want them to be remembered.

Q: What is the significance of the title?

A. CLUBBED THREE: Darkness and Light. The main title in the series is always CLUBBED, as Club Sanctuary is a fictional nightclub in Philadelphia that serves to tie many of the stories together. It's also an homage to club culture, which is important in LGBTQ+ history. The subtitle, Darkness, and Light, refers to changes that occur in the lives of the main characters and in the larger community.

Q. Tell us about the process for coming up with the cover.

A. The cover shows unity. Two masculine arms, one Black and one white, holding hands. These characters are in love, and they are proud to let the world know. Each arm has a tattoo, with the Rainbow colors in a heart, surrounded by the Infinity symbol. Infinite Pride. Both of the main characters have that tattoo. I have the same tattoo on my left arm.

Q: What do you hope your readers take away from this book?

A. I hope that younger readers will learn more about Gay history and culture, and the struggles of the community in the past. I hope older readers will remember our struggles, but also the joy of being part of the Queer community. It could be rough at times, but we also had a lot of fun. But mostly, let's not be pushed back into the closet. We are more visible now, but we have to be strong to maintain that acceptance and visibility.

Q. If your book was to be made into a movie, who are the celebrities that would star in it?

A. Troye Sivan would be perfect to portray Joey, who's young, beautiful, and vulnerable. Jeremy Pope would be my pick to portray Henry. He's strong, handsome, and sexy, a perfect match for the character!

Q. What’s your favourite and least favourite part of publishing?

A. I'm a self-published, independent author. My favorite part of the process is working with a cover designer to develop an attractive cover that will hopefully encourage readers to get the book. My least favorite part is finding a small error and then having to re-publish. That's frustrating.

Q: Do you find it more challenging to write the first book in a series or to write the subsequent novels?

A. I enjoyed writing each book equally. It was very exciting to introduce the characters and the stories in Book One. Book Two was a personal journey, telling the stories of many individuals who died at the height of the AIDS pandemic. Book Three was fun to write as the trilogy was brought to an end.

Q: Who is the author you most admire in your genre?

A. In the genre of LGBTQ+ fiction, I most admire James Baldwin. His novel, Giovanni's Room, is pure poetry for me. That book touched me deeply, leaving an indelible mark on me. I recommend that book for everyone.

Q. If you could ask one author that you admire three questions about their writing, writing process, or books, what would they be?

A. 1. Describe your muse.

2. What are the most prominent themes in your works?

3. How do you define success for yourself?

Q: Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with our readers?

A. My previous books are focused on the past. My next work will be a contemporary story about the lives of several older Queer characters facing life in the modern era. The working title is...oh sorry, I'm not quite ready to share that.

Q: How do you feel about your book being published in DE MODE?

A. Being recognized and featured in DE MODE is a wonderful opportunity for me to introduce my work to a new, wider audience. My stories include a cast of wonderfully diverse characters. I hope to reach an audience that's diverse and interested in stories that celebrate Queer culture. Thank you DE MODE for providing that opportunity.

AUTHOR ROBERT KARL BOOK 'CLUBBED THREE' is listed in "Page-Turners Unleashed: 11 Engrossing Books You Can't Put Down IN 2023" in the AUG 2023 issue of DE MODE.

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