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Updated: Jan 25, 2023

The stunning Lucinda Nicholas represented South Australia at the prestigious Miss World Australia 2018 pageant. A known face in the glamour industry, Lucinda has worked with top brands and starred in French producer Watermat's hit single 'Bullit' followed by other popular music video "You're Beautiful" by Nathaniel.


"Face of many reputed International magazines, is now the face of DE MODE JAN-FEB-MAR 2020 GLOBAL ISSUE. Lucinda is a talent powerhouse who has been part of Bollywood films, television serials, and reality shows. Lucinda has been part of pageants before when she won the title of Miss World South Australia at the age of 17."

In the year 2013, she moved from Australia to India, soon after we saw her in "Party All Night" from the movie Boss, also starring Akshay Kumar.

"Lucinda holds a degree in Law besides being a model. She is also a writer, yoga instructor and an athlete. She acted in the Australian movie 'The Tail Job' (2015). Lucinda also acted in Bollywood movies 'Boss' & 'Guest In London' (2017)."

Lucinda was also seen with Arjun Rampal (Bollywood Actor) in a worldwide campaign of Nivea.

She gave an exciting interview to DE MODE at her residence in Australia where we discussed more about her upcoming projects & her lifestyle. Scroll down below for the unseen answers to the exclusive interview questions.


Q. What attracted you to begin a career as a model/actor?

Towards the end of my schooling I wanted to be a legal officer in the army. I was always very academic and sporty; acting or modeling was never something on my radar. However, when I was 17 I was approached to enter a beauty pageant. At first I thought it was crazy but then thought I might as well give it a go. I ended up winning for my state when I was just 17 and straight out of school.

After being crowned Miss World South Australia the opportunities started coming from everywhere and it opened my eyes up to a whole new world. My life path completely changed course but I am so glad it did.

Q. What has been your greatest accomplishment as a model/actor?

My greatest accomplishment is being able to travel and experience different cultures and work in all different parts of the world. I have been given international opportunities. My greatest accomplishment was being in my first ever hindi television as a lead actress. They casted me in Mumbai and we flew to Austria and shot in some of the most beautiful locations. It was such an amazing moment being there and acting and speaking in Hindi dialogue.

Accomplishments feel constant when I am able to work with so many different brands and businesses. It is truly a blessing and I will continue to feel incredibly grateful for these opportunities now and in the future.

Q. How do you influence people to live a healthy life?

I think it just happens naturally, you are like the people you hang around so I think my choices rub off on the people I am around. Health and wellness is always an area I am learning and growing in so I think it's super important to have a flexible and open mindset.

Q. Tell us about what you're working on now, your contribution to the world and what are you doing to help save our environment and wildlife?

Right now I am working on releasing YouTube workout videos on my YouTube channel because I want to give people an insight into my routines and I want to give back in anyway I can and this is a great platform to help people free of cost. I am also working and partnering up with different brands  – whether it be fashion or beauty or fitness. And I am also looking to further my studies. I have a lot of exciting things on the go right now.

I have also teamed up with companies who are aware of global issues happening right now. I will do my best to use my voice in whatever way I can. Topics of climate change and sustainability of environment is not just a national issue, it is a global issue and its something that needs global attention. It's an area which requires unity of all countries and a lot of action. I would like to delve into this more in the future and work on this at an international level.

Q. If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

I think a lioness - a lioness is very quiet before she hunts her prey but very strong and fierce as she attacks. I have always been a quiet achiever and a gentle, empathetic person, but I am also very passionate, strong minded and driven. It’s an odd combination but it works for me.

Q. What makes you different from the other models & actresses?

I never really compare myself to anyone else. I don’t have an idol or mentor, I stick to my own path and just go with what feels right to me, so I can’t really make judgment on that. But if there was one thing I am particularly proud of it is learning a foreign language (Hindi) which is a language I had never been exposed to before moving to India.

Q. Who is in your life? Do you wish you had met sooner?

Very interesting question! I can’t name anyone, I think everyone we meet comes into our life at a time for a reason or lesson. It’s something we cannot control and its constantly changing – I have an amazing support group, who I can in fact count on one hand.

Q. How do you turn negatives into positives?

Not only do I love turning a negative into a positive, but I think the real power comes when you turn it into an advantage. Many of the world’s most famous leaders turned obstacles into triumphs and I believe that to be incredibly empowering. A cool, calm composure when everything is turning against you is an art and needs to be practiced with grace.

Q. If someone is going to make your life into a movie, who would you want to play you?

Oh my gosh… well firstly I would need to pick the right casting director and then they can put the grit in and audition like I did for all of my roles. Haha!

Q. How do you feel about being a fashion icon? What was your reaction when you saw the DE MODE cover?

It’s my favourite cover to date! I am humbled to know I have been labeled a fashion icon – I am still exploring fashion and constantly learning about it. It’s a creative side of me that I love expressing so to be called this is exciting and I something I am even more excited to live up to.

Thanks for having me on your cover DE MODE!

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