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Updated: Jan 25, 2023

If you love reading, here’s a perfect reading list for you. Even if you aren’t so much into reading, here’re 10 reasons to love reading.

Reading lists begin as a shelf full of hope until the year flies by, and you find yourself flooded with procrastination. Cheers to the books we’ve been meaning to read all these years and should probably start at some point. The greatest books are defined as classics for a reason. Written by great literary minds, they have universal themes, characters, experiences, emotions and perspectives that are still relevant today. Some of them are the very inspiration from which entire modern genres of literary fiction have sprung up from.

Everyone should read at least once for these 10 books — some are well-known classics, others are modern giants.  All are well worth reading this 2020.



Many big companies famous brands, once loved and revered-often disappear into oblivion mainly due to their own follies. Look at the once invincible Kodak or the seemingly unfailing Premier Padmini cars. In the unforgiving world of modern business, they failed to adapt, only to perish. Many businesses fail to address this basic truth. Every business is tested for endurance and accomplishment but only a few extract strength and wisdom from their trying experiences. Even the infallible Nokia, BlackBerry, Woolworths and Lehman Brothers buckled. Companies such as Bethlehem Steel, Atari, Xerox, NCR, Mafatlal and Kingfisher Airlines once considered as the great ones to emulate, all failed to live up to their repute.

Instances of business blunders and bloopers are many. They could include compromising quality to cut costs, lack of professionalism in management, botched up mergers and acquisitions, customers being taken for granted, bad leadership, family squabbles, corporate fraud, unmanageable debts and numerous others.

This book will help you understand many famous, frequent and common mistakes committed by businesses over time. The lessons learnt should enable you to run your businesses with lesser hiccups and maximize stakeholder return, which makes this book a must-read. Founders and business professionals can learn a lot about the failure landscape analysed in this book.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Robin Banerjee

Robin Banerjee is a senior professional executive with over 35 years of experience in several large multinational corporations in more than 20 countries. He is a Chartered Accountant, Cost and Management Accountant, Company Secretary and has a Master’s degree in commerce.

During the initial years of his career, he served in Hindustan Unilever in several positions, including as the General Manager of its Exports and MandA divisions. He then moved to Germany and joined Arcelor-Mittal as its Managing Director and CFO of its German operations. After working in Germany for five years, Robin moved back to India and joined Thomas Cook as its Executive Director. He then moved to Essar Steel as the company’s CFO and member of its global board. After that, he joined Suzlon India Ltd. as its Group CFO and member of its board for several of its international companies in Australia, China, Chile, Mexico, South Africa and the USA. Currently, he is the Managing Director of a large manufacturing company. 

Robin Banerjee has written three books on indirect taxation. He is an acclaimed speaker on business management and finance-related topics and has presented papers in numerous national and international seminars. He frequently writes for various journals, magazines and editorial websites.

BUY/READ THE BOOK HERE: AMAZON (Paperback and Kindle Edition available)

2. "DRAUPADI: THE TALE OF AN EMPRESS" by Saiswaroopa Iyer


Draupadi, the tale of an empress is the tale of Mahabharata narrated from Draupadi's point of view, with her being the driving force behind key events of the epic. Being born a princess, and raised by a loving father and three doting brothers would make life seem like a bed of roses to any woman. Born out of the sacred fire, Draupadi is no ordinary woman, and her destiny cannot be to walk the beaten path.

Witnessing estrangement and betrayal within her own family makes her perceptive and intuitive beyond her years. Complicated marital relationships, meteoric rise and a fateful loss, humiliation unheard of and a pledge of revenge, all culminating in a bloody war—her ordeal seemed never-ending.

Yet she stands up to it all—never succumbing, never breaking. One of the most unforgettable characters of the Mahabharata, Draupadi shows what a woman is capable of. Told with great sensitivity and passion, this book brings alive a character of epic proportions—one that resonates with every reader across space and time.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Saiswaroopa Iyer

Saiswaroopa Iyer is an IITian and a formal investment professional turned satisfied author of four best selling novels all based on strong female protagonists from ancient India. She self-published her first novel Abhaya - a reimagination of Narakasura Vadha episode of Bhagavatam. The story explores the episode reconciling the Vaishnava and Shakta narratives about the same.

Her next novel Avishi, based on a Rig Vedic Warrior Queen called Vishpala has bagged a screen adaptation contract from a major production studio.

She was approached by Rupa Publications to write on various women from ancient Bharat and Draupadi - The tale of an Empress is the first in this collection. The book explores Draupadi's pivotal role as the Icha Shakti of Mahabharata. Saiswaroopa is also trained in Carnatic Classical Music and has been awarded a gold medal by Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams for rendering Annamacharya Kritis.

BUY/READ/LISTEN to THE BOOK HERE: AMAZON (Kindle Edition and Audiobook available)



‘Father of Your Team’ authored by Dr.Venkat has hogged the limelight internationally for a multitude of reasons.

  • ‘Father of Your Team’ was ranked No 1 in ‘New Releases’ by Amazon US in – Office management category

  • Father of Your Team’ is the world’s first book on implementing ‘Paternalistic leadership’

  • Certified by Industry leaders as the essential super-valuable guide for managing millennials. Industry studies estimate that millennial staff will be over 70% of the global workforce by 2025

  • Top-rated 5-star reviews on Amazon of all the books published by BUUKS Publishing house.

This fascinating leadership life-guide book decodes the immensely powerful ‘Father Manager Belief System’. You will be introduced to an amazingly simplified leadership model termed ‘The Eight Natural Stages of Leadership’.  This model fused into a mesmerizing storyline has helped leaders discover fresh solutions for every practical challenge at the workplace through mirroring 'Freddie, the Father Manager'. Packed with over 50 unconventional tips and anecdotes, this book is relevant for a new manager to a top-notch executive to lead a legacy with contentment.

Use this book as a powerful tool to rewire the mindsets of your leadership staff to take your organization many notches up. Leaders will remain relevant, and revered regardless of changes, once they adopt the refreshingly simple practices prescribed. Precisely, ‘Father Of Your Team’ has the magic to re-program your neural schema.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr Venkat Kumaresan

Dr Venkat Kumaresan, is an enterprising leader, humorist, coach, management expert and motivational speaker with specialization in Industrial psychology. His interview on world acclaimed Book Talk Radio club from the UK competed with 12 other International authors interviews and Dr Venkat was selected as ‘Author of the week’.  He was a successful columnist with ‘Idhayam Penmalar’, a popular Women’s weekly when he was just 24. Titled ‘Penternet’, this interesting series enabled housewives gaining knowledge of the internet in 2000.

Dr Venkat made his remarkable debut with this enormously practical life-guide book. He was mentored on book-writing by Mr Raja Singho, the renowned Asian Guru of Authoring. 'Your Elephant can fly' is Dr Venkat Kumaresan upcoming book in which he will be co-authoring with the behavioural coach Ramani Viswanathan.

He lives by the principle, ‘Leadership is not RACing ahead of others, Leadership is CARing ahead of others’. This quote has gained immense popularity ever since it featured in his leadership life-guide book, ‘Father Of Your Team’.

BUY/READ THE BOOK HERE: AMAZON (Kindle Edition available)



Bangla Gastronomy takes us on a journey into Indian regional cuisine with its mouthwatering tastes, twists and turns.

"We live to eat goes the popular saying. Who does not like to have good food? I always dream of relishing at my home, some of the most wonderful dishes which the world is savouring. My deep love for Bengal enabled me to write the book on the authentic local cuisine and reproduce that special taste the inhabitants love. This book enables you to prepare and enjoy the mouth-watering Bengali recipes.

The cuisine of Bengal is as rich and distinct as the state itself. The author has deeply influenced Bengali food in her book which is a combination of subtle and fiery flavours. Bengali's share an irrevocable relationship with their cuisine that is a staple in almost every household. Since countless rivers surround the state, fresh sweet water fish is a major attraction with rohu, pabda and koi being the popular ones. Interestingly, there are more than 40 types of freshwater fish that are popularly served in Bengal.

BANGLA GASTRONOMY will help all food lovers with a penchant for trying their hand at testing and tasting the Bengal best dishes. Make and enjoy the delectable delicacies which the world is drooling over.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ananya Banerjee

Ananya is a globetrotter with a penchant for good food. Her first cookbook, Planet Gastronomy was a great success. Her latest book, Bangla Gastronomy takes us on a journey into Indian regional cuisine with its mouthwatering tastes, twists and turns.

Ananya is an acclaimed painter, a commerce graduate and lawyer by education. She is a regular food curator for hotels, corporates and special events. Her speciality dining experiences are very popular among discerning gourmands and foodies.

Ananya shares her culinary skills through two popular YouTube channels ananya-r rannaghor and Ananya Banerjee. She also shares her expertise through 24/7 pay-tv Tata Sky Active Cooking channel.

The Food Bloggers’ Association of India (FBAI) has recently awarded Ananya as the Best Home-Chef in Bengali Cuisine and as the Godrej Protekt Master Chef of India. Ananya’s other avatar is as a food entrepreneur with her own line of gourmet products, containing both Indian and international spice blends and relishes.

"Planet Gastronomy: 100 Most Popular Global Recipes" is another interesting book by Ananya Banerjee if you love to explore & taste cuisines from different parts of the world.

BUY THE BOOK HERE: AMAZON (Paperback available)

5. "BUILD THE HOME TEAM" by Dr Amit Punjabi and Dr Kiahra Punjabi


While people tend to spend a lot of their time, money & energy in building great teams at their workplaces, they forget that there is a great team available for them at their home. This team at home is what helps us generate the best from every area of our lives & they need to be nurtured, guided & mentored to be a high performing unit. This book introduces a framework for families to understand what it takes to become a high performing team & also become highly effective & resourceful as individuals.

"Build the Home Team" written by Dr Amit Punajbi & Kiahra A Punjabi is a must-have book to have on your books-to-read list of 2020. Give it a read & thank DE MODE later.


Dr Amit Punjabi is the founder of Sankalp Academy; igniting the drive to achieve has been a focus since 14+ years, creating a federation of 500,000+ people furnished with the concept of growth and personal development. A Performance Coach Influential speaker, behavioural expert, strategy consultant, author consultant & the author of the bestsellers, ‘Pursuit: The Journey of an Entrepreneur”’ and ‘Build the Home Team’ which he co-authored with his wife, Kiahra A Punjabi. He is also the Creative Head of Tedx Sarjapur.

His versatility has led him to feature in some of the top journals, magazine, newspapers and news media forums like CEO Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, YourStory, AsiaBiz Today, Deccan Chronicle, Door Darshan and more. Not just the media houses, but his story has been featured in the book ‘Sindhi Jewels of Modern India’ a book that talks about highly achieving individuals of the Sindhi community authored by Dr.Ram S.Jawhrani. He has been honoured with a doctorate by the Common Wealth University for his contribution in Behavioural Science. He received an award for best in ‘Human Excellence Development’ at India’s Top 50 emerging Icon’s national summit.

ABOUT THE CO-AUTHOR: Dr Kiahra Punjabi

Kiahra A Punjabi is a Bangalore based learning strategist, who cofounded Sankalp Academy with her husband Amit Punjabi in 2008. With her ability to observe and innovate, she has designed experiential programs for individuals and families to utilize the true power of their leadership and also generate support and value from the people and other resources around them to grow the intent and effectiveness of their leadership She is a certified NLP Master Practitioner, Life strategist & a Post Graduate in Creative Teaching and has also been listed among the Top 25 most influential women of India by CEO magazine.

On her pursuit to adding value and helping organisations grow successfully, Kiahra designed one of her best programs, ‘ Build the Home Team.’ the success of which she credits to her decision of embracing motherhood.




‘Perfect Love’ is the result of the author’s explorations to help people find that genuineness in those they choose to love. Taken from the ancient stories from Indian Vedic scriptures called Puranas, each story has a secret to genuine and lasting love. Each of these secrets is simple, yet powerful.

  • Learning Forgiveness from Nala and Damayanti - It’s not enough to tolerate the weaknesses of people we love; it is more important to forgive them.

  • Learning Appreciative Expressions of Love from Rukmini and Krishna - The feeling of being loveable is something that no gift can replace. People need a daily quota of loving words to gently remind them that they are loveable.

  • Learning to Trust from Shakuntala and Dushyanta - It’s a story in which two people allowed their inner voice to guide them into trusting one another even in the midst of the greatest storm of doubt.

  • Good Times Help Tide Over Bad Times - To align with one another, two people need to have deep, meaningful, soul-searching conversations without inhibitions and with utter honesty.

  • Conditions That Unite - And at the end of the book, the author urges you to put all this into practice by giving action points and offering to help in the process of implementing these secrets in discovering the joy of genuine, lasting relationships and basking in loving relationships and self-growth.


Shubha Vilas, is a Tedx speaker, storyteller, motivational speaker and an author from India. His fast-paced books reflect his fast-paced attitude as he packs in numerous events into any given day. No wonder he had to his credit 10 best-selling books (all non-fiction genre) in the short span of 5 years.

His book series ‘Ramayana - The Game of Life’ is a national bestseller comprising 5 titles - Roar with Courage (Book 1), Conquer Change (Book 2), Adopt Patience (Book 3), Stand Strong (Book 4) and Radiate Confidence Book 5. His book titled ‘Open-Eyed Meditations’ is a beautiful compilation of practical wisdom and action point resources to deal with every modern dilemma. “The Chronicles of Hanuman” is an engaging and inspiring saga of the Monkey God. Apart from ‘Perfect Love’ his latest release is a book of adventure stories from the Puranas titled, ‘Mystical Tales for A Magical Life.’

The USP of his work is the application of scriptural wisdom in day-to-day living. Not only through reader-friendly pages but also by addressing the crucial needs of top-level personnel of corporate houses through thought-provoking seminars on themes such as ‘Secrets of Lasting Relationships’, ‘Soul Curry to Stop Worry’ and ‘Work-Life Balance’. His audience span the globe including USA, UK, Australia, Germany, Italy, Belgium Mauritius, South Africa, Dubai, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Hong Kong and India.

Also, his upcoming book is "Radiate Confidence" book 5 of the Ramayana-the game of life series illustrated Panchatantra.

BUY/READ THE BOOK HERE: AMAZON (Paperback & Kindle Edition available).

7. "TRANCE ACTION - STORIES FROM THE BEYOND - 1, 2 & 3" by Pradyumna N. Chaudhuri


Life is all about interpretation. We have read so many stories that mean so much to us. Here too is a bouquet of stories that take you to another world and another time. Life is all about an eternal continuum so is this one too.

These stories describe lifetime experiences, how they impacted living, how they caused pain and grief, how they brought happiness and peace! “From the beyond...” as the title suggests, talks about how we carry the impact of a lifetime of experiences with us even after we leave this life! This sometimes transcends reality. Then the author asked himself – What is reality? Does reality mean anything? It is an interpretation or just another perspective.

These stories came to me in a flash. I think they had been incubating for a decade or so. But as they say, the rubber hit the road at the beginning of 2014.

These stories continue our journey into age and time long forgotten. Here, we relive events that are just footnotes in the sand of time. Life, interactions with various people who cross our paths, and various episodes of life are my inspiration. These encompass all episodes in life, weaving it in a fine mesh and yet creating a maze to confound us all! Each story has an inspiration – almost a history of its own! I have been inspired by my leaning and my learning. A major part of my inspiration came from a series of interactions I had in the last decade or so with various entities.

Pradyumna N. Chaudhuri has written a series of three books - a trilogy. These are a compilation of short stories in the historical fiction genre.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Pradyumna N. Chaudhuri

Author Pradyumna N. Chaudhuri has been in the content space for over twenty years... into training, development, consulting and instructional design. Now he has ventured into creative writing and giving himself the opportunity to feel the subtle difference and the huge similarity between the two. The uniqueness of his writing is to highlight life a mesh of thought and action, a conundrum of reactions, the overwhelming feeling of want, regret, communication, and revenge and how it impacts us across time! And the consequences.

Each story in the series Trance-Action 1, 2 & 3 talks about a need and a subsequent understanding that transcends a lifetime of learning for the protagonists. He was shortlisted in the "Top 100 Contemporary Short Stories Authors" worldwide by Centum Publishing, USA and his story was published in their compilation - One Hundred Voices, Volume 3, 2017.

Author Pradyumna N. Chaudhuri is a Post-Graduate in Economics, Management Administration and Systems Management. He has held responsibilities in the e-learning and training domains. Also, he has travelled extensively to experience more and write more. He also writes a travelogue which is followed by​many travel lovers. Being connected to the education industry for more than 25 years, he is a visiting professor in the Education Technology domain. Also, he is a practising Grand Master in Energy Healing.

His upcoming books are 'An Adolescent's Tumult - Early Poems', 'A Myth Again?', ' Trance-Action - The Invincibles' and a book on Management Principles - 'My Principles'.

BUY/READ THE BOOK HERE: AMAZON (Paperback & Kindle Edition available).



The series comprises eight levels, starting from grade 1 to grade 8. It is a carefully graded series with the age-appropriate matter at all levels. Each unit starts with a short activity drawing upon the learner’s existing knowledge. The learner’s response in the activity is used to explicitly teach the topic. The unit carries all necessary definitions, information and examples not ignoring the fact that extensive drill practice of the concept through appropriate exercises is required to complete the understanding of the said topic. Not only this, but it also carries important additional information for that particular age and cautions the learner against the erroneous application of the concept in question. It also gives the children an opportunity to pen down their thoughts in a guided manner immediately after learning a concept. This enables understanding of a concept from the basic word- level to sentence and discourse level. Thus, the application of any concept helps the child to retain it for a long time. The Comprehension Section introduces children to read with a purpose giving them sufficient practice to study the same. The Composition Section helps them to develop better writing skills through adequate guidance. In this way, the book attempts to cater to overall learning rather than just teach Grammar concepts.


Prachi Deva has been teaching English for the last 15 years. She has been fortunate enough to have worked in different schools affiliated to different boards across all levels from grade 3 to grade 10. She realized that the requirement of children in schools differs from place to place. One has to understand their needs and change strategies to cater to their specific needs. This also provided her first-hand experience of the various issues faced by children in learning English Grammar. She tried to simplify teaching, making charts and graphic organizers for them to understand better. She also told them, from time to time why learning Grammar is important and how it helps us to write better. And so, she felt the need to facilitate learning in a simplified, logical manner. Whether you are teaching children with a weak base in the language of children who are well- versed in the language, it is always challenging to teach something like Grammar concepts. One has to facilitate, create and use an instructional model of teaching from time to time for long- term clarity of concepts.

In the last decade, the education system in India has undergone a sea change. The curriculum in schools is no longer concept-based; rather it is now, skill-based. Teachers are required to impart skill-based lessons in a smooth and subtle manner. When she started working on the series, Collins English Grammar and Composition in the year, 2016, she wanted to utilise her experience as a teacher to promote understanding of Grammar concepts to primary- school children rather than giving direct instruction which children often ignore.

BUY/READ THE BOOK HERE: The books can be easily obtained online from (Amazon India) (Flipkart India), Besides these online options, one can also buy them from a bookstore which houses academic books. Should you find it difficult to buy through any of the options mentioned above, drop in a mail at mentioning your requirement and we shall get back to you.

9. "KAASH...TUM SAMAJH PAATE" by Dr Manisha Yadava (Hindi Edition)


"Kash Tum Samajh Pate" is a collection of 35 Hindi poems. Through the poems presented in this book, the author has tried to take your attention from a woman’s perspective to the social environment, the political situation going on in the country and the purposeful acts of a destructive section of our society.

While discussing how poetry helps understand political situations, we can say very clearly that there is something about poetry that rattles and mystifies people. The power of poetry makes it a real force to be reckoned with. Poetry can affect all generations, and make people consider anything from love to lose, indeed poetry does what little else can, it can inspire. In the book, the poet speaks to the reader intimately and exclusively giving one an insight into the inner workings of their minds, their ideas, their loves and hates. And if done well it can illuminate parts of life to the reader that had never been considered.

The current political situation in India is really hard to understand. In the time of fake and paid news, it is very difficult to find out the truth. The author has thus tried to show us the facts & reality through her poetry which makes it must-read book this 2020.


Dr Manisha Yadava has done a PhD in Economics. She is an author of 3 poetry books “Mere Khayal", “Driya-E-Ehsaas” & "Kaash Tum Samajh Paate" and Co-Author of “Quotation Anthology". She is also a Reiki healer/ Dowser/ Angels card reader/ Motivational speaker and an Art of Living volunteer. She was Born on 9th May 1973 in Meerut. Her father was a railway officer and due to the nature of her father’s job she had to keep travelling places.

Growing up, she was always able to express herself most through the written word. She is fortunate that she was able to translate this ability into a blossoming career as a professional writer & poet. She always strives to learn and develop her literary style and voice, approaching every challenge she came across as an experience to grow and develop as a writer. That’s why, in addition to working on projects similar to those she has already completed, she also seeks out new types of endeavours she has yet to encounter.

She spent a major part of her childhood in cities that are rich in literature. Since childhood, she was inclined toward poetry writing. Now she lives in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh (India) which is undoubtedly rich in literature which made her learn a lot about literature. Although she was a religious person earlier now she is spiritual too. After becoming spiritual she has become aware of the teachings of life. Behind fulfilment of her dream, there are two beautiful souls and she can proudly say they are her kids.

BUY/READ THE BOOK HERE: The books can be easily obtained online from (Amazon India). Besides, the above-mentioned options, you can also purchase from

10. "SEEK (Revised Edition)" By Atchuthan Carvalho


We all are seeking something in some way or the other. It is a perennial quest and once we find what we are looking for, an ocean of immense happiness shall arrive. Somehow though true happiness eludes us and we keep searching but we are never quenched of this thirst.

Wisdom is to know what to seek; it is said we may gain the whole world only to lose our soul. However, if the soul is found, eternal bliss shall come to us forever.

Our inherent nature is one of perfection as we are a part of infinite consciousness. The same ocean of infinity that makes the whole universe roll also breathes in us.

"SEEK" gives you an intro to basic ideas about our minds and a way to seek truth beyond it. He has tried to get you to a state of mind and a realization that what you seek is actually you. You are the happiness that you have been looking for.


Atchuthan completed his Masters in English Literature from Mumbai University. He is 35 now and was working for the past 12 years in the service industry. Despite being a leader in his profession, he always felt that his true calling was more spiritual. Though the actual quest into spirituality was only 11 years old, he admitted that his inclination towards nature, God and his own soul has been around since he was a child. He remembers being in kindergarten asking his mom that if God had a switch for us and what would happen if he turned it off!

For Atchuthan, spirituality is not a field of study, and if it was he doesn't think it would have made him so curious. For him, spirituality is the truth - an eternal one that is beyond all that is temporary. It’s about seeking the everlasting essence that is really us; beyond it, there is nothing more to be said or done. It is the only thing that matters in the course of eternity.

He realized soon enough that there is no book or teacher or school that can teach him or show him what he seeks. They can all suggest ways, but, ultimately, it is up to him. At firsthand, he was aware of what this eternal truth is about. Hence, while living and doing whatever he must, his quest continues, deep down. His journey has been liberating and is full of challenges that constantly dictate self-change.


Being an author for him is a means to an end. He realized that one of the easiest ways to share with the world what he has understood during his spiritual journey is by being an author; hence here he is. It was imperative for him to pursue his passion full time, and that is exactly what he has been doing since February 2018.

He published his first book, Seek in 2014 and a revised edition of it in October 2018. All of our life’s journeys are about realizing the being at our very core because self-realization is the only goal worth having!



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